Editorial: The case for Dean, while Scott’s burden is heavier

Could this year’s “tough” legislative session have been less bitter, more productive, and had a better outcome with a different dynamic between the Legislature and the governor’s office?

Community Forum: How to hire a home improvement contractor

My Consumer Assistance Program is here to help with tips and resources for homeowners and residential contractors.

Ways of Seeing: We can learn from other nations

Driving in western Ireland is a unique experience. Although there are a few “dual carriageways,” resembling our interstates, most of the roads are small and considerably narrower than our standard roads in Vermont, and generally lacking any shoulders.

Editorial: MNFF’s 10-year miracle

It’s no small deal to create something from nothing. It’s even more incredulous when what’s created is top-notch.

Jessie Raymond: Budding birder seeks camaraderie

As husbands go, Mark does all right. But lately I’m finding he’s letting me down in one important way: He shows less enthusiasm for wild birds than I feel is appropriate for a man of his age.

Community Forum: Experience with a mother changed my perspective on substance use

The author used to be biased against people with a substance disorder. But recent experience as a guardian ad litem caused her to change her mind.

Hector Vila: A great awakening in the offing?

Since I have been writing about higher education in these pages, it’s incumbent that I address the current campus protests against the agony in Gaza.

Letter to the editor: Defendant caused harm, in spite of jury verdict

On July 4, 2022, six young women aged 22-24 experienced a taxi ride that terrified and traumatized them.

Letter to the editor: Weapons policy violates the law

Bless me Father for I have sinned. I am a United States citizen. I have paid my federal taxes. Our United States government offers money and weapons to Israel.

Letter to the editor: ‘Establishment’ is calling the shots on Saunders

Zoie Saunders is an outsider, not a member of Vermont’s education establishment. As such, she is seen as a threat to that entrenched establishment.

Letter to the editor: Kudos for the solar coverage

Andy Kirkaldy’s story makes clear something that usually gets lost in these accounts: this array would replace an operation that uses huge amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus which then wash into Lake Champlain.

Community Forum: Can we get our legislative act together?

Vermonters seem to have a natural wariness of government. Vermont’s Republican Century had just ended 16 years earlier with the surprise election of Democratic Gov. Phil Hoff in 1962.

Letter to the editor: Panton solar proposal is too big

I could just break down and cry at the thought of 300 acres of beautiful farmland being turned into ugly solar panels!

Letter to the editor: Green energy policy is costly

As this year’s legislative sessions wrap up, I’m left to ponder how our local elected officials could say they were acting in Vermonters best interest.

Editorial: If students focused their protests, they could have the world behind them

If others aren’t going to protest America’s support of Israel through its billions in cash and tens of thousands of bombs that have reduced wide swaths of Gaza to rubble, campus protests have a role to play — and at the very least have succeeded in making … (read more)