Advertise with the Addison Independent

Addison County is a vibrant, growing community located between Vermont’s two largest cities, Burlington to the north and Rutland to the south. The county boasts a stable and diverse economic base made up primarily of tourism, agriculture, education, healthcare and light industry.

The Addison Independent is a family-owned newspaper that has worked to provide dependable news to the 23 towns of Addison County since 1946. We publish weekly on Thursdays in print and with four email newsletters to capture breaking news available on our website. With a 100% paid print circulation and strong digital following, we estimate that we reach over 30,000 readers each week with our community news and advertising.

Reach Our Readers Wherever They Are



Email Newsletter

Print Advertising

ROP Display Ads: When you think of newspaper advertising, you probably think of Run of Paper (ROP) Display Ads. These box ads are the ads you see when flipping through the newspaper (outside of the Classifieds). ROP ads can feature images, logos, various fonts, and color.

The Addison Independent uses column-inch sizing for ROP Display Ads which provides a wide-range of size and pricing options to meet an advertiser’s unique needs and budget. There is an additional fee for color, based on ad size. There are discounts if you rerun your ad for multiple editions, if you send a camera ready ad, and if you are a nonprofit organization. Volume discounts are also available.

We also publish over 50 special sections each year including Home Improvement, Health & Wellbeing, Senior Lifestyles, Parks & Recreation Guides, Profiles in Community, and the ever-popular seasonal guides. In addition to special sections, we print monthly Agriculture, Bristol Beat, and Vergennes pages. Special sections and monthly pages offer discounted rates and are great ways to maximize your marketing dollars and reach your target audience.

Classified Display Ads: Classified Display Ads, or CDs, are similar to ROP Display Ads but placement is within the Classified pages. CDs can feature images, logos, various fonts, and color. 

CDs also use column-inch sizing, however the column widths differ from ROP Display Ad widths. The CD price includes placement on either the Classifieds or Help Wanted page of our website with a clickthrough link of your choice. There is an additional fee for color, based on ad size. There are discounts if you rerun your ad for multiple editions or if you send a camera ready ad.

Classified Line Ads: Classified Line Ads are plain-text ads that run in the Classified pages. Unlike display ads, they do not include images, logos, various fonts, or colors. Classified Line Ads are priced per word. There is a minimum of two insertions. The Classified Line Ad price includes publication on our website’s Classifieds or Help Wanted page (depending on ad category). You can submit a line ad by calling our office at 802-388-4944 or emailing Harris at [email protected].

Business & Services Directory: Our B&S Directory is an inexpensive, high-visibility way to reach our 30k weekly readers. These business card-style ads run weekly within a collective directory. Pricing includes one black-and-white directory ad for a 13-week period. Ads are 2.75” wide and offered at five different height options.

Looking to expand your reach? Ask your ad rep about our web ad options!

Preprints: The Addison Independent also offers Preprint, or Insert, options. Priced per sheet, preprints are inserted into our full circulation. Contact one of our ad reps for more details.

Website Advertising

Reach the tens of thousands of visitors on our website each month by supplementing your print ad with a Website Ad on We offer four different ad placement options, all of which receive tens of thousands of monthly impressions. Ads on our website are purchased on a per-month basis.

Banner: $199.00
Big Box: $199.00
Super Box: $249.00
Leaderboard: $349.00

Banner: 728px x 90px (desktop), 300px x 90px (mobile)
Big Box: 300px x 250px
Super Box: 300px x 500px
Leaderboard: 970px x 90px (desktop), 300px x 90px (mobile)

Banner: Displays in the center of the page (in-story) or at the bottom of a page
Big Box: Displays in the sidebar or mid-page (in-archive)
Super Box: Displays in the sidebar
Leaderboard: Displays at the top of the page

Email Newsletter Advertising

Send your message directly to your potential customer’s inbox with an Addy Indy Email Newsletter ad. We send out three Addison Independent newsletters per week (Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays) and one MiniBury newsletter (Tuesdays) to a list of 4000+ subscribers. On average, our newsletters have a 55%+ open rate.  

Per Campaign Rates

$75 for 1 ad
$50 per ad for 3-5 ads
$25 per ad for 6 ads+

Banner: 1200px x 400px (preferred) OR 600px x 200px
Box: 1200px x 800px (preferred) OR 600px x 400px

Advertising with the Addy Indy is one of the best ways to reach the County!

  • Middlebury 45% 45%
  • Brisol 15% 15%
  • Vergennes 15% 15%

Nearly 90% of our paid subscribers live in Addison County, and 75% of those readers live in either the Middlebury, Bristol, or Vergennes area.

Print Advertising Sizes

The Addison Independent uses column/inch sizing. Ads must conform to the following column widths and may be any height to the .25″. A/B sections of the Addison Independent are broadsheet pages. The full-page size is 6 columns (12.5″) wide x 20.25″ tall. Arts + Leisure pages are tabloid size. The full-page size is 5 columns (9.75″) wide x 12.25″ tall. Most special sections are formatted as either broadsheet, tabloid, or half tabloid pages and use modular sizing.

  • 1 column = 1.83 inches
  • 2 columns = 3.81 inches
  • 3 columns = 5.79 inches
  • 4 columns = 7.77 inches
  • 5 columns = 9.75 inches
  • 6 columns = 12.5 inches
  • 1 column = 1.26 inches
  • 2 column = 2.67 inches
  • 3 column = 4.09 inches
  • 4 column = 5.50 inches
  • 5 column = 6.92 inches
  • 6 column = 8.33 inches
  • 7 column = 9.75 inches
  • 8 column = 11.09 inches
  • 9 column = 12.5 inches

Unsure what size ad you’d like to run? Our ad reps are happy to help you decide what size and design will make your ad stand out while still fitting within your budget!

Print Advertising Rates

Open Rate: $12 per column inch
Nonprofit/Personal Rate: $9 per column inch
Classified Display Rate: $15 per column inch
Legal Rate: $9 per column inch
Special Sections: Contact your ad rep for pricing
Classified Line Rate: 25¢ per word. Minimum charge $2.50 per ad. Minimum two insertions. A surcharge of 50¢ per issue is automatically added for web placement.

Typically, ad cost is calculated by multiplying the number of columns wide by the number of inches high (column inches) and then multiplying that by the column inch rate. A full broadsheet page is 120 column inches. A full tabloid page is 60 column inches. Color is an additional fee. All discounts are taken off of the base rate (not including color fee). We offer free design services for all ads.

Print Advertising Reservation Deadlines

Arts + Leisure: Friday prior to publication at noon
A/B section: Monday prior to publication at 5:00 p.m.
Each special section will have a specific advertising deadline

All deadlines are subject to change due to holidays.

Terms and Policies

Terms of Payment
Net 30 days. 1.5% interest per month on balance after 30 days.

All advertising submitted for publication is subject to and governed by the rates, conditions, standards, terms and policies established by the Addison Independent.

Publisher is not bound by any terms or conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on proofs, forms or copy instructions of advertiser or his agent(s) when in conflict with the rates, conditions, standards, terms or policies in this rate card.

Although Publisher makes continuing efforts to avoid wrong insertions, omissions and typographical errors, advertiser and his agent(s) recognize that, from time to time, such mistakes may occur. In such event, Publisher may cancel its charges for such portion of an advertisement as, in Publisher’s reasonable judgment, has been rendered valueless by the mistake.

Publisher does not assume any further responsibility for mistakes, and is in no way responsible for any consequential damages of Advertiser and that the cancellation of such charges shall be the sole and complete right and remedy for any such mistakes. Though we strive for excellent reproduction of all ads this process is often beyond our control. We do not assume responsibility for the appearance of the end product. Publisher reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion and without notice, to reject or revise any advertising copy.

Ads created by the Addison Independent are the property of the newspaper.

Publisher reserves the right to immediately cease running ads for any Advertiser that we discover is facing fraudulent charges for business practices until they are cleared of misdoings.

Towns Covered

Special Sections

Weekly Readers

Annual Website Views

Yearly Email Opens

Ready to get started? Contact our sales team today!

Christy Lynn

Christy Lynn

Assoc. Publisher & Sales Co-Director

Jenna Hunsinger

Jenna Hunsinger

Sales Co-Director & Digital Manager

Katy Foote

Katy Foote

Advertising Representative

Tom Van Sant

Tom Van Sant

Advertising Representative

Want to learn more?