AMELIA FOURNIER OF Whiting takes a break from playtime at the Addison County Parent/Child Center in Middlebury last week to check out a journalist
photographing the kids there.
Independent photo/Steve James
ALEX MEULNET OF Bristol expands his palate by sampling a variety of snacks during a break at the Addison County Parent/Child Center in Middlebury last week. Independent photo/Steve James
VANESSA KENNEDY IS all eyes at the Addison County Parent/Child Center last week.
AVEN SANBORN PLAYS with a beach ball at Addison County Parent/Child Center.
CALDER OSBORNE PLAYS outside at the Otter Creek Child Center last week.
AVERY PLAYS AT Mary Johnson Children’s Center in Middlebury last week. Photo courtesy of Mary Johnson Children’s Center
AMELIA SAYS HI at Mary Johnson Children’s Center last week.
ELI DEMONSTRATES THAT he knows how to explore the world and
have fun at Mary Johnson Children’s Center in Middlebury last week.
Photo courtesy of Mary Johnson Children’s Center
TWO-YEAR-OLD LEVI GONG’S puffy coat, snow pants, mittens and boots keep him snug as a bug in a rug even during this very cold winter. Photo by Erick Gong
AT BRISTOL FAMILY Center last week Colton Cousino uses a drum as a seat and plans the next move for the block
in his hand. Independent photo/
Steve James
ESMAE RINDER-GODDARD plays at the Bristol Family Center last week.