Firefighters honored at annual dinner

The Middlebury Fire Department and Battell Hose Company held their annual awards dinner last month at the VFW Post 7823 in Middlebury. The dinner was attended by current, former, and life members of the Middlebury Fire Department, as well as by the members of the board of directors of the Battell Hose Company, and guests including Middlebury Police Department Dispatcher Supervisor Liz Tracy and Paula Cole of Cole’s Flowers.

Middlebury fire department recognizes achievements

The Middlebury Fire Department and Battell Hose Company held their annual awards dinner last month at the American Legion Post 27 in Middlebury.

Rescues, by water or land: Area fire agencies can offer specialized help

Two area fire departments, Middlebury and Vergennes, have Technical Rescue Teams trained to do both swift-water and mountain rescues — and they have put their swift-water training to use over the past two months. 

Local firefighting tech teams make difficult saves

The floods that struck Vermont this summer show why the Middlebury and Vergennes fire departments have Technical Rescue Teams capable of acting in fast-moving water. 

Middlebury Fire Department hosts open house

The fire department is joining Operation Mayday!, the first statewide effort to recruit new members to the fire service.

100+ Women group donates to local organizations

The organization 100+ Women Who Care of Addison County had their first in-person meeting at Holley Hall in Bristol on Tuesday, April 18. More than 70 area women participated in person or on Zoom.

College firefighter sets world record in Middlebury

Emily Jones thought running a mile in firefighter gear was goofy — until she did it.

Middlebury firefighters train to cut open cars

Members of the Middlebury Fire Department participated in vehicle extrication training on July 8 and 9. The training was provided by Todd Bedard and Jeff Limoge, who have been teaching vehicle extrication together for over 20 years.

Middlebury firefighters receive awards

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Middlebury Fire Department and Battell Hose Company cancelled their jointly-held annual awards dinner, which is normally held in December.

Firefighters could see pay increase

Two of the county’s largest fire departments have taken steps to boost compensation for their members.

Midd Fire Department nets $2,566 FEMA grant

MIDDLEBURY — FEMA has announced $7.8 million in direct assistance grants to 340 fire departments nationwide,  including the Middlebury Fire Department. The grants are part of the agency’s FY2020 Assistance to Firefighters Grant COVID-19 Supplemental progr … (read more)

Middlebury Fire Dept. honors many for their service

MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Fire Department and Battell Hose Company held their joint annual awards dinner on Dec. 7, at the American Legion Post 27 in Middlebury. The dinner was attended by current, former, and life members of the Middlebury Fire Departm … (read more)

Medals go to two firefighters who risked their lives

MIDDLEBURY — The incident happened two years ago, but the memories of it are indelibly seared in the memory banks of both Paul Garrow and Pat Shaw. The two veteran Middlebury firefighters and 31 of their colleagues had gathered at their Seymour Street hea … (read more)