The month in poetry: First findings, first loves

I met you after school/ where you told me you’d be waiting./ Your sweaty fingers encircled my wrist/ pulling me through the thicket and/ as I watched pink splotches arise on my bare legs/ I envied your long pants.

The month in poetry: Across the universe

a light sparkles/ a tiny diamond/ from a house/ across the river/ through winter woods/ the other side of town…

Poet’s corner: At the garden gate

“The roof has come off the church/ and rain is falling in the baptistry.”

Poet’s Corner: How light travels

I was going to explain why I’m repelled by children/ who have been taught to say all the right things/ about Edward Hopper’s night café—some paintings/ need to be earned and this is one of them— but here,/ instead, are three stanzas about Iceland.

Poet’s corner: A few small stones

It was twilight all day./ Sometimes the smallest things weigh us down,/ small stones that we can’t help/ admiring and palming.

Poet’s corner: The fields of Ripton

A Poet, In a Field Near Robert Frost’s Cabin, Lifts Enormous Boulders with his Mind

Poet’s Corner: A different kind of blue

All that is beautiful/ that slips away––/ a December night/ that before was November/ and September and before that,/ July when days were blue silver/ waves we swam through.

Poet’s corner: This talk of tanagers and trees

If I remember the lake yesterday, the tanager/ deep in the woods, it feels like a memory/ lost in a series of new ones, each singular event/ simply a tanager in a tree. 

Poet’s corner: Look me up in the field guide under blissful

There’s something to be said for banality,/ the way it keeps everything on a level plane,/ one cliché blithely following another/ like cows heading toward the pasture.

Poet’s corner: To follow the light on down

follow sun/ breaking through sky-edged mountains/ into the heart of a stone fruit

This month in poetry: To Raise a Simple Prayer

A saturated meadow,/ Sun-shaped and jewel-small,/ A circle scarcely wider/ Than the trees around were tall…

Poet’s Corner: Tapping, Tapping for Essence

Downy Woodpecker, a small guy,/ pecks at big wood./ A storm is brewing/ and I’m still half a mile from Minerva Hinchey.

Poet’s Corner: The unending dance

These forests/ This mountain/ These trees/ So many trees/ So many lives/ Lifetimes ago

Poet’s corner: To come alive in spring

These words in this poem by James Crews help us feel the energy and strength of the little coltsfoot flower rising up, or of the many other things in spring that appear overnight with color and vibrancy.

Poet’s corner: Images of peace for Ukraine

Seeds of Peace   these warriors of peace the unstoppable the brave with resilience they fight for the love of their families to defend their homes for the love of their land to defend their liberty   they stand against tyranny facing not with th … (read more)