Students win TaeKwonDo awards

Two students studying with Master Kellie Thomas at TaeKwonDo KICKS recently won national Whistlekick Never Settle Awards on Nov. 9 at the Martial Summit, held in Keene N.H.

County TaeKwonDo students step up

Recently TaeKwonDo KICKS held a Black Belt Promotional Testing. The testing is held twice a year. There, students earn new black belt levels, or take the last step before testing for their first black belt level, and current black belt students demonstrat … (read more)

Kellie Thomas wins martial arts award

TaeKwonDo Master Kellie Thomas of Middlebury recently won a national award for operating a welcoming school teaching the martial art. 

Students promoted to TaeKwon Do black belt

ADDISON COUNTY — TaeKwon Do KICKS recently had a black belt promotional testing for 11 students. One of those promoted to a Black Belt was Elias Urang, who is 6 years old. Urang was one of KICKS first students in their toddler program, starting at the age … (read more)

TaeKwon Do school honors belt earners

ADDISON COUNTY — Despite most activities being canceled due to COVID-19, students from TaeKwon Do KICKS in Middlebury, Vergennes, Orwell and Hinesburg kept on kicking. March and April were spent doing Zoom classes, which were taught three times a day ever … (read more)

Students receive TaeKwon Do black belt ranking

ADDISON COUNTY — Regardless of how much a person knows about martial arts, everyone understands the importance of a person receiving black belt in that art. Reaching black belt is a major accomplishment that requires years of training, dedication, hard wo … (read more)